The Six W’s, are questions whose answers are considered basic in information-gathering. They are often mentioned in journalism, research, and police investigations. They constitute a formula for getting the complete story on a subject. According to the principle of the Six Ws, a report can only be considered complete if it answers these questions starting with an interrogative word. Depending on who you speak to, the pillars or building blocks of SEO are different. For me, there are 5 pillars: Here’s how I would apply the 6 W’s model to every pillar. Keyword Research Everything in search begins with keyword research, outcomes of this piece of research will help make informed decisions and act as a starting point for the other pillars. Before you send through that list of keywords for your clients to approve, make sure you have done your homework and show the reasons you have selected those keywords to target. Who is the target audience? Are the keywords suited to...
When sizing up your next digital marketing role you might be thinking, ‘Should I work agency or client side?’ Both can provide wildly different working experiences. Of course, every business is different, but agency and client side usually provide a variety of distinct characteristics, challenges and benefits. Below we look at the reasons you might want to work for an agency and why you might choose a brand. Take a peek at the list to help you find the best fit for your personality, aspirations and digital marketing career destination. 1. Where Will I Be Able to Be Most Creative? Before you decide to work for a brand or an agency you’ll need to define what creativity means to you. That’s because both types of digital marketing roles offer creativity in different ways. Essentially, where you decide to work depends on the type of creativity you are searching for. Let’s take a look at what agencies and brands offer you in terms of creativity below: Agency - An ...