1) The first mistake that you need to avoid is posting content too often Everyone believes that, Hey, you wanna do well on Facebook? Post 10 times a day. The more you post, the more people will see you. That may work for Twitter, but for most social sites, if you post too much, you're not gonna do well. You only have a certain amount of people following you If you keep posting too much information, you're going to wear them out, and they're gonna start ignoring your content. Try to post no more than once a day. I'm not talking about live video, or stories, or anything like that I'm talking about posting a image, or a video, a status update. Try not to post more than one a day. 2) The second mistake that you need to avoid is posting mediocre content Now that you know you only wanna post once a day, when you do post once a day, that content has to be amazing. If people don't like it, they're not going to engage or comment. You know what? If you posted co...
There's four main pros of paid advertising. 1) it can scale up as quick as you want. As you're willing to spend more money, you get more traffic. You start a paid advertising campaign, you get that traffic today. 2) you can target any region that you want. With paid advertising, if you only do business in you can only do ads just in California, If you do business in a specific city, you can also have your ads only show up within that city. That's a beautiful part about paid advertising 3) you can leverage dayparting. Dayparting isn't common, most people aren't familiar with this and they're not using this. But if you're business is only around from 8 am to 5 pm and let's say you're in the B to B industry, and you're looking for phone calls, why would you want to pay for ads at 6 pm? Because If someone comes to your website, and they try calling you, no one's going to be there to answer it. With dayparting, it allows you to pick what hour...